'twombly'- noun - an apparatus assembled with creative spirit from used wire or wood [often a combination of the two]; either for decoration or for utilitarian purpose - often painted drippy white; 'a twombly', 'pass the twombly'
'twombly' - verb - the act of expressive creation eg. thoughts, writings, objects, dance - that may at first seem gestural and immediate, yet possess an innate sophistication - 'to twombly', 'I'm having a twombly', 'do the twombly', to 'twombly on'
'twombly, twomblesque'- adjective - a style, appearance or behaviour that at first may appear ramshackle and spontaneous - yet contains an innate sophistication and even a touch of the romantic - 'the house was a twombly affair', 'she had a twomblesque way of thinking', 'it was a twombly of a dress'...
[all in the spirit of fun - for Jen... !]