
a cup of tea with cy twombly - in yarrabah...

Cy Twombly  Criticism 1955 

A little while ago in my post Cy Twombly in Rome, I wrote some thoughts on being fortunate enough to attend the Cy Twombly retrospective whilst visiting Rome in 2009.  Writing that post I re-remembered the exhibition and the profound effect it had on me - and - shortly after I began to regret the fact that I did not purchase the catalogue of the exhibition at the time - I remember holding one in my hands in the bookshop of the GNAM - at the very reasonable price of around 35 Euro [from memory], before deciding to be prudent and be happy with the tomes on Twombly I already owned....

Cy Twombly Untitled [Funerary Box for a Lime Green Python] 1954

However, pouring through these other tomes almost two years later and attempting to recall which works I had actually seen proved difficult -  and I began to wish for the actual catalogue I had held in my hands.  A few days after writing my post I headed online to find myself a copy of Cy Twombly Cycles and Seasons.  It took very little time to realise that I had left my run far too late - as I began pouring through website after website, searching for an available copy of this publication - which I then learnt - is now out of print... 

Cy Twombly Quattro Stagioni [A Painting in Four Parts] Part II: Estate 1993-1995

After trawling specialist book sites online I contacted a seller who I had found via Amazon.com - but who was based in America and was not listed to ship internationally.  Lucky me - they were prepared to make an exception [and even covered part of the shipping cost].  Thank you Ardent Books

Cy Twombly Thicket 1991

Cy Twombly Untitled 1959

Cy arrived yesterday - lovingly packaged for the long journey and still dressed in his original shrink wrap - and today I am relishing the opportunity to again walk my way through the exhibition piece by piece.  I am feeling extremely fortunate to have this book in my possession - and while I do believe in 'non attachment' and 'letting go', there are some moments in one's life that are wonderful to be able to revisit.  So this afternoon [while Stylus [dear husband] and Dante are out on a drive]  I am sitting down with a cup of tea and spending some time with Cy Twombly - in Yarrabah...