
Dante's Inferno ...

“A mighty flame follows a tiny spark.” 
[Dante Alighieri]

Yesterday* the sun blazed down from a flawless blue sky and life in the 'wet' tropics continued to be contradicted by the persistent dry winds that have licked away any trace of excess moisture the abundant rainforest foliage of the region had managed to hold on to... 

Djarragun, which dominates every view point from our home town has grown progressively craggy, as the receding vegetation acknowledges the folded strata lying just beneath its veneer of green.  Daily I have been relishing this paring back, the slow revelation of the mountain's skeletal form...

As the day went on blazed the sun and the wind and then Dante came to the mountain; the spark fanned by the winds soon became a flame, then a force, and the day was dominated with observing the steady progress of fire and smoke ascending the spur.  By sunset the view was striking, but the real joy came after the sun had set; we took to the car to see the angry mountain - now with lava, all red aglow - flowing down [?] the spur... 

Dante in the back of the car exclaimed 'Oh my goodness!!!' at the beauty of it all ... 

or so we thought...

only to be corrected as she repeatedly exclaimed...

'Oh my goodness - FLASHING LIGHTIES!!! OH MY GOODNESS!!!' ... 

... her attention altogether taken by the new and overwhelming experience of Tropical Christmas Bling readily on display throughout the suburban streets on which we travelled to find our perfect Djarragun view...

'Everything has beauty, but not everyone sees it...' 

*As I am posting this tonight there is a steady line of fire now high up on the ridge climbing, climbing...