Bek LARKIN, Passage I, 2016 |
Bek LARKIN, Passage II, 2016 |
Bek LARKIN, Passage III, 2016 |
Bek LARKIN, Passage IV, 2016 |
Bek LARKIN, Passage V, 2016 |
Bek LARKIN, PassageVI, 2016 |
Bek LARKIN, Passage VII, 2016 |
Bek LARKIN, Passage VIII, 2016 |
Bek LARKIN, Passage IX, 2016 |
'Some of us think holding on makes us strong,
but sometimes it is letting go…'
[Herman Hesse]
Passage [ the letting go …] is a narrative of nine large scale photographic images documenting the annual release of seeds from the pod of the Adenium obesum [Desert Rose].
In this series the boat-like forms of the Adenium obesum pod and the star-like structures of its seeds are exploited for their symbolic potential. The pods are removed from their literal environment to float amidst a limitless black space. In this context these forms become vessels of an allegorical journey and the seeds representative of that which [as is implied in the title] is surrendered, released…
The work is deliberately open to interpretation as to what the journey refers to and that which is being released, but the process is one not of violence, but of surrender, acceptance and transformation…
Bek LARKIN, Passage [The Letting Go], KickArts Contemporary Arts, Cairns, 2016 |
Bek LARKIN, Passage [The Letting Go], KickArts Contemporary Arts, Cairns, 2016 |
Passage [the letting go...] is on exhibition at KickArts Contemporary Arts until June 11, 2016.